It started about 9 years ago, My grandfather took his last breath sitting in his favorite recliner chair. Soon after my Grandmother donates it to the goodwill, it being to painful to keep.
My father got in a horrible car accident a few months before my 18th birthday, he comes home unable to walk, wheel chair bound, My aunt buys him a recliner chair to make him comfortable, he died 3 weeks after I turned 18.
My grandmother got Leukemia, she is to weak to walk up her stairs to her house so she moves in with my aunt pat, she receives a gift one day,a brand new recliner, soon after we find out her Leukemia is terminal, and she is brought home to spend her final days with her family.
My sister, she spent some time battling an addiction, she goes to rehab, and comes home 30 days clean of pills and still very weak and tired, I get a phone call one night, she tells me my brother dragged in an old recliner my moms boyfriend left in the garage, because she wanted to sit in it, she tells me to hurry home, she doesn't want to be alone. About a week or two into being home, her health gets horrible, because she goes off pills with no medicine, her chemical imbalance sent her brain into overdrive and she has to spend a night in mental health (I thought then, that this is as bad as life can get, I was wrong) while there they find she has a high fever and rush her to the hospital, after what feels like forever we find out that she has a urinary tract infection that went septic, almost killer her. we bring her home and nothing gets better, I make her a foot stool for her recliner that won't recline, and she spent the rest of what time she was awake sitting in that chair. laughing some days, crying others and some days just spent in silence, she ends up back in the Hospital, were she was pronounced dead February 28, 2009 5:01pm
Alicia is my only friend that has never made me feel crazy about my Recliner storys, she brought me home from the hospital that day, we walked in the house and took one look at that chair and lost it, we went crazy, we dragged it out crying and left it for the trash.
I never want to own another recliner.