Tonight,I put my face on and left the house.
went to a birthday bash for Chantel, drank a little, danced a little.
Towards the end of the night I found a couch near were Alicia was sitting, some dude was chatting her up, asking about her tattoos and all that, he introduces himself to me, and asks me what my favorite tattoo is, I tell him the portrait of my sister. which was not showing.
He looks at me and says "oh your sister Monique?" yes, her, he knew who we were, not just us, her. I don't think he knows how much that meant to me. He was a stranger to me, we are not myspace or facebook friends, But he knew who she was.
I guess you have to be me, to really know how nice that was.
I kept repeating my self to Alicia on the way home, I told her how much I missed having someone to tell everything to when I got home, we were sitting against a wall at the party, talking about Monique. She said she wondered if people can see how empty she feels now, without her. We wonder if Mo knows how much she brought to our lives, how lost A.M.A feels, she will always be the M, but its a lot different now. I sat back and watched everyone dance, I saw the smiles on there faces, I miss being Happy.
But I will admit, a complete stranger knowing who my sister was, by name, It brought this little bit if joy to my heart, I hope she can see it, I hope she knows that complete strangers know who she is, I hope she knows people look up to her
I hope she knows that a lot of people are proud to have known Monique Marie Rosaz, and that some us, saw her without eyebrows and laid in bed with her, when she was down and out, made pinkie promises,tattooed her, bought her tigers yogurt and bought her Bukowski books, painted her pictures, wrote her letters, made her cd's, served her plates of chicken nuggets. enjoyed just being in the presence of her, She was simply amazing.
I'm very grateful to be apart of her, she is and always will be amazing. I am proud to share a face with someone who wasn't afraid to wear gold lame and get her hands tattooed at age 20, she lived the life she wanted. and although she had a lot of life left to live, she affected more peoples lives, than those who are still breathing this air.